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Excerpt from Wild Days

There are many kinds of journals, as there are many journeys in life. A journal  is a record kept while you travel. Nature notebooks generally refer to a journal dedicated to observations of the natural world. Diaries record daily events. Sketch books are used by artists to record visual  impressions. Lab notes or field notes imply serious scientific study and observation.

Journals are a place to remember thoughts, ideas, images, dreams, events, developments, musings and hopes. Discoveries are flashes  of thought that make the world seem somehownature studies brighter, more beautiful, interesting, or bizarre.

A discovery journal places moments of insights together, page upon page, building connections between seasons and years.  It is a record of days, a bringing together of scattered experience into a meaningful whole.

So, what is a discovery journal? A  sketch book? A diary? A nature notebook? An account book? Lab notes? Musings? A field journal? Rantings? A record book? Letters unsent? A discovery journal can be all of these. It is a book you write  yourself about anything that has importance to you. You make all the rules, and you can change them anyway you want.

There are many names for these personal books. I like the word  journal because it implies a journey, a beginning and a destination, with turning points along the way. I like to imagine my life as a journey, finding my way one step at a time. --Excerpt from Chapter Two; Karen Rackliffe © 1998

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