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Charlotte Mason 
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Charlotte Mason 
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Charlotte Mason Approach

Bring your teaching to life by using Charlotte Mason’s educational ideas in your homeschool or classroom. This section of the site is loaded with informative articles written by Penny Gardner, author of Charlotte Mason Study Guide, to help you start applying this educational method today.

“Nourish a child daily with loving, right, and noble ideas...
which may bear fruit in his life.”
--Charlotte Mason, 1842-1923

Charlotte Mason, an innovative educator, lived most of her life in Ambleside, England. This painting is a scene near Ambleside. I like to think that Charlotte passed this quaint bridge often as she went on daily outings in the countryside to enjoy nature.

Charlotte’s approach to education echoes this scene; it can be a peaceful, rewarding educational experience. I encourage you to set the example by doing copy work, by making entries into your personal book of centuries, by reading and writing a narration, by painting in your nature journal, and in general continuing your education alongside.

painting by Penny Gardner's daughter