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Nature Journaling

nature outing“As soon as he is able to keep it himself,
a nature diary is a source of delight to a child.
Every day's walk gives him something to enter...”
--Charlotte Mason

nature journalingNot only is this activity a source of delight to a child, but it is a source of delight and respite to the busy mother. Being in tune with God’s world helps us find balance in our lives. I’m not an artist; I get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I sit down to paint in my personal nature journal. But I have grown from the experience. It is good for my children to see me stretching myself and it sparks their interest in keeping a nature diary. And what joy when my efforts turn out as good as this painting of a Ruby-crowned Kinglet!

Click here to see sample pages from nature notebooks.Wild Days: Creating Discovery Journals These pages will help you to see that anyone can keep a nature diary. This is a rewarding hobby for the entire family.

Karen Rackliffe’s book, Wild Days, Creating Discovery Journals, will inspire you and your children to keep your own nature journals. The many beautiful illustrations that adorn this book are taken from Karen’s actual nature notebook and those of her children. I highly recommend this lovely book to those interested in recording their experiences with nature.

Click here to see more from this book on nature journaling .
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links to web sites on nature, painting, and some book recommendations.