In the Beginning--Genesis 1:1-31 Garden of Eden—Genesis 2:1-10; 15-25 The Serpent—Genesis 3:1-24
Cain and Abel—Genesis 4:1-16 Seth—Genesis 4:25-26; 5:1-8; opt: 5: 9-32 Noah—Genesis 6:5-22 Ark and Animals—Genesis 7:1-16 The Flood—Genesis 7:17-24; 8:1-5 The Raven and the Dove—Gen. 8:6-22
God’s Promise—Gen. 9:1-17 The Sons of Noah—Gen. 9:18-29 The Tower of Babel—Gen. 11:1-9 Abram—Gen. 12:1-9 Journey to Egypt—Gen. 12:10-20 Abram and Lot—Gen. 13:1-18
Lot is Captured in War—Gen. 14:11-16 Melchizedek—Gen. 14:17-24 Promise to Abram—Gen. 15:1-18 Sarai and Hagar—Gen. 16:1-16 Covenant—Gen. 17:1-14 New Names—Gen. 17:15-27
Three Holy Men—Gen. 18:1-15 (opt.) Sodom, Gomorrah—Gen. 18:16-33 Pillar of Salt—Gen. 19:1-7; 9-29 The Old Mother—Gen. 21:1-21 Abraham’s Test—Gen. 22:1-13 (opt.) The Death of Sarah—Gen. 23:1-20
The Servant’s Task—Gen. 24:1-9 Watering the Camels—Gen. 24:10-28 Rebecca’s Family—Gen. 24:29-51 Rebecca’s Journey—Gen. 24:52-67 (opt.) Death of Abraham—Gen. 25:1-11
Birthright for Pottage—Gen. 25:19-34 (opt.) Isaac—Gen. 26:1-6; 12-14; 23-25 The Stolen Blessing—Gen. 27:1-29 Esau—Gen. 27:30-46 (opt.) Jacob’s Ladder—Gen. 28:1-5; 10-22
Rachel at the Well—Gen. 29:1-14 The Other Sister—Gen. 29:15-35 More Wives—Gen. 30:1-13; 17-21 Rachel’s Baby—Gen. 30:22-32, 43 Jacob Departs—Gen. 31:1-7; 14-21 The Pursuit—Gen. 31:22-26; 30-35
The Brothers—Gen. 32:3, 6-7, 11; 33:1-12 An Altar—Gen. 35:1-7, 10-15 Deaths in the Family—Gen. 35:16-20; 23-29 Coat of Many Colors—Gen. 37:1-36 Joseph in Egypt—Gen. 39:1-9, 13-23
Interpreter of Dreams—Gen.-40:1-23 Pharaoh’s Dreams—Gen. 41:1-13 Joseph’s Interpretation—G. 41:14-16; 25-45 A Ruler in Egypt—Gen. 41:46-57 Famine—Gen. 42:1-20 Famine, cont.—Gen. 42:21-38
Brothers Return to Egypt—Gen. 43:1-14 Return, cont.—Gen. 43:15-34 The Silver Cup—Gen. 44:1-34 The Lost Brother—Gen. 45:1-28 Moving to Egypt—Gen. 46:1-7; 28-34 Land of Goshen—Gen. 47:1-13; 20-31
Joseph’s Sons—Gen. 48:1-6; 8-22 Farewell—Gen. 49:1-2, 28-33; 50:1-9,12-13 Joseph’s End—Gen. 50:14-26 No More Sons—Exo. 1:1-22 Baby Moses—Exo. 2:1-10 Moses Flees Egypt—Exo. 2:11-25
Burning Bush—Exo. 3:1-22 Moses and the Lord Speak—Exo. 4:1-17 Moses Leaves Midian—Exo. 4:18-23; 27-31 Let My People Go—Exo. 5:1-23 Jehovah—Exo. 6:1-13 River of Blood—Exo. 7:1-25
Frogs, Lice and Flies—Exo. 8:1-32 Dead Cattle and Boils—Exo. 9:1-21 Hail and Fire—Exo. 9:22-35 Locusts—Exo. 10:1-20 Darkness—Exo. 10:21-29 The First Passover—Exo. 12:3-15, 21-28
Leaving—Exo. 12:29-42, 50-51; 13:21-22 Parting the Red Sea—Exo. 14:5-31 Manna—Exo. 16:1-31, 35 (opt.) Jethro—Exo. 18:1-27 Ten Commandments—Exo. 20:1-17 Stone Tablets—Exo. 24:12-18; 31:18
A Golden Calf—Exo. 32:1-7; 15-20; 26-35 New Tablets—Exo. 34:1-6; 10; 27-35 The Journey—Numbers 10:11-13; 33-36 (opt.) Miriam’s Murmuring—Num. 12:1-16 Water from a Rock—Num. 20:1-18
(opt.) A Talking Donkey—Num. 22:1-38 Joshua—Num. 27:12-23 Love the Lord—Deuteronomy 6:1-7; 17-25 Good Courage—Deut. 31:1-3; 6-8;14-15; 23 Moses Dies—Deut. 34:1-12
Joshua Leads Israel—Joshua 1:1-9 Spies in Jericho—Joshua 2:1-24 Crossing Jordan—Jsh 3:7,14-17;4:4-11;14-18 |
Fall of Jericho—Joshua 6:12-27 Be Courageous—Joshua 23:1-11; 24:29 Gideon—Judges 6:1-3; 6-16; 22-31; 36-40
The Small Army—Judges 7:1-8; 13-22 Lord Shall Rule—Judges 8:22-23; 32-35 Samson is Born—Judges 13:1-7; 24 Samson and Delilah—Judges 16: 1-31 Ruth Comes to Bethlehem—Ruth 1: 1-22
The Gleaner—Ruth 2:1-23 Ruth and Boaz—Ruth 3:1-18 Ruth Marries—Ruth 4:1-17 Hannah’s Son—Samuel 1:1-2; 7-28 Samuel Serves—Samuel 2:18-21, 26. Lord Calls Samuel—Samuel 3:1-14
Samuel’s Vision—Samuel 3:15-21 Make Us a King—Samuel 8:1-10; 18-22 Saul—Samuel 9:1-8; 10-14 The Seer—Samuel 9:15-19; 25-27 King Saul—Sam 10:1-2; 6-7; 9-17; 24-27; 11:15
Jonathan—Samuel 14:1; 6-20; 23 Honey—Samuel 14: 24-30; 36-39;43-45 Kingdom Torn—Sam. 15:10-11; 24-31; 34-35 Samuel Anoints David—Samuel 16:1-13 The Harp Player—Samuel 16:14-23
Goliath—Samuel 17:1-11 David—Samuel 17:12-31 David and Goliath—Samuel 17:32-58 Best Buds—Samuel 18:1-16 David’s Flight—Samuel 19:1-10 The Signal—Samuel 20:16-42
David’s Army—Samuel 22:1-2; 23:1-5 (opt) Saul Chases David—Samuel 23:13-29 Meeting in a Cave—Samuel 24:1-12; 16-22 The End of Saul—Samuel 31:1-13 King David—2 Samuel 2:1-4; 5:1-4; 9-12
Bathsheba—2 Samuel 11:1-17; 26-27 David’s Lesson and the Birth of Solomon—2 Samuel 12:1-24 Solomon Becomes King—Kings 1:1, 5, 10-18;20-37 David Dies—Kings 2:1-4;10-12
The Gift of Wisdom—Kings 3:1-15 The Judgment—Kings 3:16-28 Building the Temple—Kings 5:1-7; 17-18; 6:1-2; 11-14; 37-38 Ark and the Temple—Kings 8:1; 3-6; 9-13
The Queen of Sheba—Kings 10:1-10, 13 Solomon’s Downfall—Kings 11:4, 6, 9-13 Jeroboam—Kings 11:26-31, 34-40, 42-43 Elijah—Kings 17 (all) The Challenge—Kings 18:1-9; 13-46
Still Small Voice—Kings 19 The Vineyard—Kings 21 Fire from Heaven—2 Kings 1 Elijah is Translated—2 Kings 2 A Pot of Oil—2 Kings 4:1-7 Seven Sneezes—2 Kings 4:8-37
Naaman, the Syrian—2 Kings 5 (opt.) Taken Captive—2 Kings 17:6-23 Hezekiah—2 Kings 18:1-8; 19:15-19; 32-36 Longer Life—2 Kings 20:1-7 Captivity is Prophesied—2 Kings 20:14-21
(opt.) Book of Law—2 Kings 22 Return to Righteousness—2 Kings 23:1-4; 14; 21-27 Nebuchadnezzar—2 Kings 24:10-20 Jerusalem Destroyed—2 Kings 25:8-21
(opt.) King Cyrus—Ezra 1 (opt.) Rejoicing—Ezra 3 Darius—Ezra 6:14-22 The Queen’s Refusal—Esther 1 A New Queen—Esther 2 The Decree—Esther 3 Brave Esther—Esther 4 The Gallows—Esther 5
Haman’s Shame—Esther 6 Haman’s Plot—Esther 7 Mordecai—Esther 8 Job—Job 1 Illness—Job 2:10 Job’s Blessings—Job 42:1-6; 10-17 The Lord is my Shepherd—Psalm 23 Make a Joyful Noise—Psalm 100
A Quiver Full—Psalm 127 Some Proverbs: 3:5-6; 3:13; 15:1;17:17; 18:24; 22:6; 23:7; 30:5 (opt.) A Virtuous Woman Proverbs 31:10-31 There is a Season—Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
(opt.) Messiah is Foretold—Isaiah 9:6-7 Daniel’s Food—Daniel 1:1-21 Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream—Daniel 2:1, 16-20,24-30, 46-49 Into a Furnace—Daniel 3:4-6,8-14, 16-30
Daniel in the Den of Lions—Daniel 6 Jonah and the Whale—Jonah Chapters 1-3 Tithing—Malachi 3:8-12 |