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Charlotte Mason 
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Math, One Family's Journey Along the CM Road

Charlotte Mason felt that she didn’t have much to add to the current methods of teaching math. Yet what she did write on the subject is worth taking to heart. “Mathematics depend upon the teacher rather than upon the textbook and few subjects are worse taught; chiefly because teachers have seldom time to give the inspiring ideas...which should quicken the imagination. How living would Geometry become in the light of the discoveries of Euclid as he made them!” (Charlotte Mason Study Guide, p. 107-108)

This comment leads us to search for living math books to spark interest in math. There are several books in print that fit the bill. For example, The Librarian Who Measured the Earth is a remarkable story about ...


To read the rest of this article, you may purchase the newly revised, 10th anniversary edition of the Charlotte Mason Study Guide. This digital e-book is available for $5 from this site.


View a list of living math books .

Math Talk, current study that looks a lot like Charlotte Mason’s ideas.

You may contact VideoText through their web site or call them at 1-800-ALGEBRA. They will send you a free video with sample lessons and the corresponding text. If you decide to order, let them know Penny Gardner referred you so you will get a discount and free shipping.

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