charlotte mason ideas for homeschool
Sold on Charlotte Mason

Years ago, I was an unconventional, creative classroom teacher. Then as a parent I became a home educator with strong leanings toward delayed academics and unschooling--with a  smattering of unit studies. For the past ten years, I've been sold on the Charlotte Mason approach to education.charlotte mason student guide

Charlotte Mason was a remarkable woman who was ahead of her time. She was an educator in England from the latter part of the 19th century through WWI. Today, Charlotte Mason’s ideas are making a comeback in homeschool circles. I would like to share some of Charlotte's educational philosophy--ideas that are just as pertinent to home educators today as they were a hundred years ago.


This article first appeared in Home Education Magazine, Summer 2004.

Find the rest of the article in the Charlotte Mason Study Guide.

homeschool with Charlotte Mason