charlotte mason ideas for homeschool
History & Charlotte Mason

“Let him ...linger pleasantly over the history of a single man, a short period,
until he thinks the thoughts of that man, is at home in the ways of that period.
Though he is reading and thinking of the life time of a single man,
he is really getting intimately acquainted with the history
of a whole nation for a whole age.” ~ Charlotte Mason

Living books bring depth and richness to your history studies. If you own a history textbook that you like, supplement the text book with living books. Use narration to let your child show what he or she knows.

“In school, history can seem the most tedious of subjects: so many facts, names and dates that mean little to nothing. But history is not something obscure or unimportant. In fact, it plays a vital role in our everyday lives. We study our past in order to achieve greater influence over our future. It is from history that we learn what to champion and what to avoid. Decision-making around the world, every day, is based on what came before us. Why? Because history matters.” Steve Berry in Costco Connection, June 2013

“History, really, is an extension of life. It enlarges and intensifies the experience of being alive, like poetry and art or music. And there's no great secret to making history come alive... ‘Tell stories.’ Part of what that means is that history is ours to enjoy. If we deny our children that enjoyment, that adventure... then we're cheating them out of a full life.” David McCullough's article in Readers’ Digest, December 2002

history  reenactment
history enrichment
history project

List of history books

Geography page.

homeschool with Charlotte Mason